30 years ago, Japan built the Kansai International Airport off the coast of its second largest city, Osaka. The unique island airport cost $15 billion to build, but helped solve issues like space and noise associated most many urban airports.
But it's sinking. The island has already sunk around 40 feet, and sections could even find themselves underwater in the coming years.
See a photo of Kansai International Airport, and other fascinating places and things.
This airport in Japan is located in the middle of the bay. It cost $15B to build, and it's sinking.
After losing 360 pounds, Cole Prochaska asks for help to pay for excess skin surgery.
Children checking how fat they are in Korea using a government installed width gate.
Most expensive bottle of store-bought alcohol in Las Vegas.
When faced with lengthy waiting periods and public debate to get a new building approved, a Costco branch in California decided to skip the line. It added 400,000 square feet of housing to its plans to qualify for a faster regulatory process.
The script for Grand Theft Auto 3 vs the script for Grand Theft Auto 4.
BTS shot of Jaws. Scene did not made the final cut.
“If you were wondering how far a bag of chips bought in Indiana could be driven up Pikes Peak in Colorado before it pops, the answer is 8 miles past the entrance.”
Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall.
Water frost unexpectedly spotted for the first time near Mars’s equator.
This is the last known photo of Nicola Tesla. On 7th January 1943, Tesla died alone in the New Yorker Hotel. By the end of his life, he was penniless and had become a vegetarian.
Chris Espinosa is currently the longest-serving employee at Apple. He joined in 1976 at the age of 14, writing BASIC code while the company was still based in Steve Jobs’ garage.
Newly discovered species of fish that uses its fins like hands to walk on the sea floor. It has been spotted by a deep-sea expedition near the coasts of Chile and Peru.
South Dakota looks like a Dust Bowl after farmers spend years taking out shelter belts.
20 years worth of spent nuclear fuel at former Maine Yankee nuclear plant.
US Marine's helmet graffiti from the Vietnam War.
The dungeon of Castello D'este in Italy. Imprisoned after a failed plot against his brother, the reigning duke, Giulio D'este survived for 53 years in this cell until he was released by his grand nephew at the age of 81.
Asteroid image taken by Japanese Hayabusa/Rover 1b.
The theater of San Nicola near Caserta, Italy, was rediscovered by chance in 2000 by a paraglider. It's 2100 years old and hosts a theater and a temple on the same hill 520 meters above sea level, dominating the evocative panorama on the plains below.
Clermont twins before and after their excessive surgeries.
Difference between the rich and the poor in Brazil.